Most of the time when the owned base count becomes unequal the game is essentially over.
I don’t remember this happening in WeeWar. Was the income vs unit cost much different? I cant remember.
The effect is more pronounced the less bases are on the map. I’ve created “North Africa” to see if having more bases solves this problem. The problem with more bases is you will have more units and you risk devolving into WW1. Personally I like the unit sparse maneuver play.
It may be that lowering the base income to 75c may help.
Another idea is to separate income from production. Currently we have bases that generate income and are where we build new units. If you increase the bases on a map, new units are then popping up all over the place.
If there were 2 hex types instead, maps would be more interesting and strategic. For example you could have bases that produce units only. Mines? or cities? would produce income. You could then have objectives on the front lines that are either income OR production. The income hexes could have a 50c income. You could then have “High value objectives” (2 income hexes side by side) This is not possible now as you would also have 2 production hexes that would be too much of an advantage. There could be many income hexes and fewer production hexes. This should cause battles to ebb and flow more and delay the tipping point.