Hexfray in 2020

A new map by mahks, Damned River has been added, thanks mahks!


Undo button has been added. For now it’s possible to undo the very last piece movement (this might get extended to building new pieces or more than just the last move).

Also fixed a bug which allowed pieces to travel farther than was intended under certain conditions. (Perhaps notably for the programmers among you, this bug would have been prevented by linear types.)

Implemented a map editor indent detecting fix, see

A new map by mahks, North Africa has been added, thanks mahks!

Also fixed several bugs over the past few days, most notably in matchmaking and credit calculation on the client.

An indicator now shows which units have attacked in the current round, as suggested in Move & fire indicator.


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  • Add a new map Kyber Pass (https://www.hexfray.com/#/map_editor/19) by mahks to featured maps.
  • Let users enter id of any published map in New Game dialog (UI to be improved in the future, for now you can see the ID in the address bar when opening the map in editor, e.g. 19 for Kyber Pass linked above).
  • Add description field to maps (example in the link above). In the future this will be editable even after publishing and also shown in more places.
  • Remove Dust from the random choice in matchmaking.

Two new maps, Line of Control and Floral by mahks, and both require some tough strategic decisions!

21_preview 22_preview

Fixed two bugs that would incorrectly mark a unit as exhausted after attacking.

More bug fixes released recently,

Turn timer changed to 32 hours (mahks’ suggestion in The timer is annoying).

Hexfray has a new tutorial in the game lobby to make the first steps of new players easier.


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Implemented two improvements/fixes in the game UI (Can't select some replacement troops):

  1. game controls (namely End Turn button) are now displayed over the game map so should be clickable all the time (even when covered with void elements which you can see in the map editor but are rendered transparent when playing),
  2. build dialog is now displayed to the left if there is not enough space on the right, it’s also vertically a bit closer to the center of the click position.

Added Training Camp by mahks plus also fixed the order of maps in the New Game menu and made this map the first, followed by Toxic Waltz. Thanks for the great maps!


Implemented this suggestion to indicate player’s colour in a game from the lobby.


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Good idea putting in on finished games too!

Hexfray now has a flashier landing page at http://www.hexfray.com when you’re not logged in.

A post was split to a new topic: Swamp in landing page image

I added a brief Code of Conduct to the pinned topic Welcome to Hexfray's Discourse forum to make sure we’ll be building the right community.

Added two notifications:

  • Notify the defeated player when the other one wins by a game action (e.g. attack or capture).
  • Notify the winning player when the other one surrenders.

On a related note, the task to batch notifications and thus reduce the number of emails (see Email spam) is nearing the top of the todo list.